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Religious Identity & Mission


Calling Christian Communities To Prayer

This prayer has been distributed by the Adelaide Archdiocese and we ask that we pray as a Christian community every Friday morning at 8am until Pentecost (31 May).

Almighty and All-loving God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, 
we pray to you through Christ the Healer for those who suffer from the Coronavirus in Australia and 
across the world. 
We pray too for all who reach out to those who mourn the loss of each and every person who has died as a result of contracting the disease. 
Give wisdom to policymakers, skill to healthcare professionals and researchers, 
comfort to everyone in distress and a sense of calm to us all in these days of uncertainty and distress. 
This we ask in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord who showed compassion to the outcast, acceptance to the rejected and love to those to whom no love was shown.

Archbishop Michael Jackson Dublin & Glendalough

Holy Week

This week teachers and children were able to prepare for and re-enact the events of Holy Week. Each day our school community walked through the significant moments leading to the death of Jesus.  It is with further anticipation that we await his resurrection on Easter Sunday.  We will have more to share with you on our school Facebook page next week.

Palm Sunday -  R/1Blue and R/1 Gold
Last Supper -    Year 1 Red and Year 2 Green
The Trial and Crucifixion - Year 3/4 Brown and Year 3/4 Purple
The Stations of the Cross - Year 5/6 White 

The journey of Jesus to Jerusalem was one of miracles and parables and his entry was one of a King.  This all changed as the leaders become worried about the influence of Jesus at the time of Passover and the crowds that would gather to listen to him. But despite the fears and taboos, the misunderstandings and protests that surrounded him Jesus was not going to let death have the final word, for he is about to make a very public statement about a personal truth. When he says, “I am the resurrection and the life. Those who believe in me even though they die will live and all who believe in me will never die.”

Home Schooling Tips

Parents are the first teachers of faith to their children. It is within the family where children are raised and formed as human beings. The parental role in this human formation is governed by love, a love which places itself "at the service of children to draw forth from them the best that is in them" and which "finds its fullest expression precisely in the task of educating". The family is the "first school of faith”.
(Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Catholic Church, No. 239) 

As parents across Australia try their hand at being teachers for the first time, principals and experts are providing good advice and guidance.  University of Newcastle education lecturer David Roy, who works with homeschooled kids every day, said disruption to routine could make kids anxious.

To begin with, parents at home need to take time to be playful where possible.
"There's got to be time to process," Dr Roy said.
"Kids need that. That's one of the reasons we have recess and lunchtime. We've got to have kids … jumping around, exercising, burning off that energy.
"Because if they don't, you're going to have a very difficult evening and even chocolate won't be able to help you.
"So if you've got a chance, get them out there."

If you have any other homeschooling tips, let us know so we can support each other in this new experience and endeavour.

Staying Connected

There are many wonderful online resources to help guide your prayer and reflection. 

Pray as you go                                Elijah's Breeze                            Loyola Press

The Family Resources are helpful for families who want to pray together at home.

During this time resulting from the COVID19 when Sunday Masses are not occurring, you are invited to gather as a family for communal prayer each Sunday based on the Liturgy of the Word for that day. Let us reflect personally and as a community on the Word of God so that it may echo within our heart and bear fruit in our lives.

Project Compassion - Week 4

Thirty-two-year-old Sakun lives in a village in central-east India. She developed polio as a child and has difficulty walking. Until now Sakun, an indigenous Gond woman, has been isolated in her community, unable to earn a livelihood and without knowledge of government schemes that could help her. In 2018, Sakun joined a Caritas Australia-funded program which is implemented by Caritas India and its local partner, Samarthan. Through their strategic guidance and support, Sakun learned new skills and gained important mobility.  Sakun now earns her own income and makes a small profit which goes towards her family’s basic needs. She is more resilient, more confident and more independent. Watch her story here.

Rita Campbell