School News


2GREEN Class News


Over the last three weeks the students of Year 2 Green have become accustomed to washing their hands more regularly and are great at assessing ‘social distance’ from their classmates.

During Earth Science lessons the children have discussed where we use water at home.  They conducted a ‘water walk’ with Signora Campbell, identifying all the locations where water is available in the school. The students drew a map to record their findings.

As part of a Visual Art lesson the students created a piece of art, inspired by the Aboriginal symbols for water, using oil pastels.

On Tuesday the class planned and made a water filter.  They used sand, gravel and rocks to filter dirty water.

On Wednesday Year 2 Green and Year 1 Red lead the school in a reflection of the Last Supper.  The few students remaining at school were all involved in the respectful remembrance. 

We have enjoyed some Creative Play sessions where some of the students built a bamboo tower taller than themselves.

2GREEN Class Teacher
Sarah Byrne