School News


Message from the Principal


Dear TWCS Families,

It is hard to comprehend all that has happened in such a short amount of time over the past weeks. As a school, a Catholic Education system, a national and global community we are experiencing a time that is unprecedented, uncertain and unknown. Just like many other entities and businesses, we have been asked to make significant changes to the way that we operate very quickly. I cannot thank our staff enough for the commitment, calmness and care that they have demonstrated over the past few weeks in responding to these changes.

As we approach Easter, it is an opportunity to reflect and remember that the life, death and resurrection of Jesus is at the foundation of our Catholic faith and at this point in time we are reminded that the Easter story is one of hope.  

I am confident that the school community will rally together over the coming months in ways that keep the students at the heart of all we do, focused on being people of hope for the future.

Term 2 Planning

The current information from the SA Government and Catholic Education SA is that schools will be OPEN at the start of next term. The likely mode of learning that will be offered is one of distance learning which means the access to learning will be  similar whether at school or at home.

Learning Continuance

Like most schools, we have been coming to terms with what teaching and learning can look like concurrently as face to face and distance learning. With the way that our Year 3/4 and 5/6 classes have been operating this year, I believe TWCS is well placed to take on this challenge. I am also confident that our Reception to Year 2 classes will discern ongoing appropriate ways to engage our early years students in distance learning that is authentic and meaningful. Maintaining connection between home and school over the coming months will be of upmost importance. A letter to all students has been shared via SeeSaw and I ask that families take the time talk with and share this information with their child/ren.

A Learning Continuance plan has been established for each of our classes/ neighbourhoods and these are available via our school website
These plans will continue to evolve as teachers work to develop ongoing  home/ distance learning opportunities for students next week and into next term.  
I acknowledge the important partnership with parents these modes of learning depend upon and thank all families for their patience and support in these times.

2020 School Board

The first meeting of the new school board was held this week and I am pleased to share the following roles that have been taken up by our board members: 
Chairperson - Matthew Arentz
Deputy Chairperson - Jackie Stepien-Hulleman 
Finance Chairperson - Rebecca Jucha 
Thank you to Matthew, Jackie and Rebecca for taking on these key roles.

Building Project

The rate of progress of the building work has been astounding. To be at the end of March with a structure and virtually completed roof is sensational. The land at 6 and 8 Bickford St has been levelled and irrigation established ready for turf to be laid. All going to plan, this space will be green by the time students return next term. The building work continues to be on track, on time and on budget and I have to say that this work is a welcome beacon of hope during this time.

Visible Learning

The restrictions that have been placed on travel have meant that we have had to postpone our staff professional learning workshops facilitated by our Corwin Visible Learning consultant scheduled for early next term. We have requested that this be rescheduled to late Term 3 or early Term 4 and will re-assess as the situation and circumstances change. In the meantime, teachers will continue to build their repertoire of feedback strategies that they use with students to support their learning. 

Visible Wellbeing

As teachers continue to develop and evolve their home/ distance learning plans for next term, they are exploring strategies and activities to continue to support student social emotional and wellbeing learning.

This week, students in Year 4-6 have participated in the annual SA Government Wellbeing and Engagement Collection Survey. The link and log in details have also been communicated with families who have their children at home. This collection of wellbeing and engagement information closes today and in the near future, the school will receive a report which will be analysed to ensure we continue to respond to and meet the wellbeing needs of students.


Thank you to our families for the support of the P&F wine drive and special thanks to our P&F for coordinating this fund raising event for the school.

Concluding my time as Acting Principal

As you know, I have been fortunate enough to secure a substantive Principal position starting in Term 2 at St Catherine's School, Stirling. It is with mixed emotion that I farewell the TWCS community. It has been an absolute pleasure being the Acting Principal over the past 18 months. I thank all the staff, students and parents for their commitment to ensuring TWCS is a place of welcome and  belonging for all who come through the gates. In partnership with Fr Peter and the Brooklyn Park Richmond Parish I know this a community striving to develop thriving people, capable learners, leaders for the world God desires. 
I have met with Peter Mercer who will commence his time as Acting Principal at TWCS next term. Peter is very much looking forward to getting to know the staff, students and parents and I am sure you will make him very welcome. 
I conclude by offering an Irish Blessing that is a favourite of mine…
May the road rise up to meet you. May the wind be always at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face; the rains fall soft upon your fields and until we meet again, may God hold you in the palm of His hand.

Upcoming events…

Monday 6th - Thursday 9th April: Pupil Free Days 
Friday 10th April: Good Friday
Monday 27th April: Term 2 Commences 

I wish you every health and happiness. Appreciate all that is precious in your life during the upcoming break. 

Warm regards,

John Low