School News


Religious Identity & Mission


Prayer of Healing

Loving God we place our trust in you. For you Lord are the greatest physician. You heal, you protect, you care, you love, you are kind, you are patient, you are thoughtful, you are our strength. You Lord are our Creator. You know our thoughts, our sighings and our cryings and every hair on our head. Bring healing to our world O Lord, for in your Spirit, your gift of healing is alive. In you Lord we can put our trust that you can heal us, and protect us from Covid19, and its affects. We make our prayer through Christ our Lord, Amen.

Project Compassion Boxes

Let's Go Further Together! Do you still have boxes at home?
If you have been collecting money in one of the project compassion boxes, you can drop it off at the front office at school and the parish will issue a receipt and forward the money to Caritas. Otherwise, you can make a donation to Caritas directly via their website.

EASTER: A great time of Hope

Hot cross buns and chocolate eggs are enjoyed by many over the Easter period, but not everyone understands their true significance. Behind those simple ‘treats’ stand the most profound events of human history. The cross on the yeast buns represents the crucifixion when Jesus, the Son of God died out of love for us. The egg represents the resurrection, when Jesus was raised to new life and lives for ever as the resurrected Christ. On Easter morning we hear the proclamation, ‘Christ is risen!’ and our response is ‘He is risen indeed, Alleluia!’.

Just as the disciples were able to rejoice in the risen Christ, so we too can rejoice in his living presence with us every day. It is because Christ is risen that we can face the great conflicts and disasters of the wider world and the small conflicts and disasters of our everyday lives with hope.

We are never abandoned. Even when things seem darkest, Christ our Light, is there walking beside us. Australia has, in recent times, experienced bushfires, floods, and threats to public health. Hundreds of families struggle every day with the suffering that comes from family violence, unemployment, poverty, mental and physical illness, discrimination and substance abuse. Where is God in all this? The answer is ‘right in the middle of it all’.

So as you eat your hot cross bun or nibble on a chocolate egg, take a moment to reflect on what they represent: the immeasurable love of God for every person – and indeed for the whole of creation – and the promise of new life and new possibilities.

Archbishop in Waiting

Patrick O’Regan will be installed as the ninth Archbishop of Adelaide on the Feast of Our Lady Help of Christians, Monday May 25, at 10.30am in St Francis Xavier’s Cathedral.

“Because of the circumstances around COVID-19, this will be a modified ceremony, and will involve simply the officiating clergy and attendants,” said Bishop O'Kelly.
“Our plan is that when the restrictions and safety requirements around COVID-19 have eased, we will conduct a formal Liturgical Reception for the incoming Archbishop, hopefully associated with the Mass of Chrism.

It is believed to be the first time in the history of the Australian Church that an archbishop will be installed in the absence of clergy, bishops and the lay faithful. It had been expected that more than 2000 people would attend the service. The installation will be livestreamed through the Archdiocesan website.

Centacare offers free phone counselling

Christ's sacrifice provides 'strength and hope' during pandemic

People struggling to cope with the chaos and fear surrounding COVID-19 can now access free phone counselling by appointment from Centacare Catholic Family Services. In response to the health emergency, Centacare has increased capacity to provide telephone support for mental health concerns, family stress due to job loss, social isolation and other challenges arising from the coronavirus pandemic. People do not need a mental health care plan to access the short-term support. Rather, they can phone Centacare direct and book an appointment for a telephone counselling consultation.

“Seeking help early at these times, through phone counselling, can offer relief and provide a pathway to a new normal.”

To book an appointment for COVID-19 telephone counselling, please phone Centacare on 8215 6700.

Rita Campbell