School News

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R/1BLUE Class News


It has been a very different return to school this term with some of our class mates experiencing flexible home learning and some of us learning at school. Either way it has been a busy start to the term.

We have commenced the term by looking at patterns and have discovered many patterns in the school yard, in our classroom and in our homes. We have created and continued patterns and discussed what makes a pattern a pattern. We have also been learning about length and used many different materials to measure things with. We know how to order items from shortest to longest and we even had a go at ordering ourselves into a line from shortest to longest. It took us two turns to get it right! Summer was the tallest and Jewel the shortest. We had lots of fun doing this activity and stood back to back to compare our heights and to work out who was taller.

In Science we have been exploring the various materials objects are made of and sorting these into groups. We discovered that many objects are made of plastic. We wondered what would happen to objects if we heated or cooled them and discovered that most objects will change in some way. Ice, butter and chocolate melt. Popcorn kernels pop. Bread becomes toast. Jelly crystals turn into jelly and water can freeze. 

We would also like to wish all our mothers a Happy Mother’s Day this Sunday. 

R/1BLUE Class Teacher
Gina Margush