School News

RE News May 2020.JPG

Religious Identity & Mission



The Adelaide Day Centre for Homeless Persons

Many services have been restricted and the new COVID -19 guidelines have meant that members of our community who are most vulnerable have been left without support.

The Adelaide Day Centre need donations of hats, scarves, gloves, socks, raincoats, warm jumpers and jackers, track pants and small umbrellas.  Most importantly BLANKETS AND SLEEPING BAGS. This will enable the outreach service to continue and for members to stay in contact with the centre.
As well as this the centre is packing take-away meals including soup, snack packs, fruit, yogurt and custards.
If you are able to help with food support as well it would be greatly appreciated.

You are welcome to deliver the donations to school.  Please make sure any clothes are in sealed garbage bags and food in sealed boxes.

"Give hope to the poor, to those living on the edge, the refugees and the homeless." Pope Francis


“For it is better to suffer for doing good, if that be God’s will, than for doing evil.”               1 PETER 3:17

The old line says, “If you want to make God laugh, tell him your plans”.  Many of us are diligent in our planning and making sure things are progressing smoothly.  Then disaster strikes, we don’t get the result that was intended, or an unforeseen problem arises.  Many times, we may respond negatively and ask, “Why me?  I did everything right!”  Here’s the thing – adversity humbles us and reminds us of our dependence on God and not on our own self-reliance.  Rest assured, God has a better plan in store for you.   
We pray that we recognise that things don’t always go the way we plan and God has a better plan in store for us. 

Installation of Archbishop Patrick O'Regan

The Archbishop’s installation Mass will be live streamed from St Francis Xavier’s Cathedral on Monday 25 May at 10.30am and replayed at 5.30 pm on Channel 44. The live stream can be accessed the Catholic Archdiocese of Adelaide website,  Facebook or the Archdiocese’s YouTube channel. The installation Mass video will be on YouTube if you cannot watch on Monday. The Mass booklet, which includes the liturgy, hymns and other information, will be available on the Archdiocesan website from Friday 22 May. 

Parish News - From Fr Peter Zwaans

Dear Parishioners,
I'd like to keep you updated on where we're at with re-opening churches.

St Aloysius
We've been doing a little bit of remodelling in the porch of St Aloysius, installing a new benchtop and pinboards and removing some of the old fixtures. This work isn't quite complete yet, and the re-opening has caught us on the hop, so we will keep St Aloysius closed for a little while longer. I hope this won't take long.

St John Bosco
The church will be open for private prayer on weekdays from 9am-4pm. These are the restrictions:
  • No more than 10 people are permitted in the church at any time
  • Parishioners may only sit in every second pew
  • Parishioners must sit at least 1.5m away from each other
Please do not come to the church if:
  • You are feeling unwell. Especially if you have a fever, cough or sore throat
  • You have had contact with a suspected case of coronavirus
  • You are particularly vulnerable to coronavirus due to age or pre-existing health conditions
There will be hand sanitiser and alcohol wipes available in the church, please make use of them.
What about this Saturday/Sunday?
The Stage 1 restrictions allow 10 people for a religious service, but they do not allow for services which use "one common vessel" - so that's Mass. The Archdiocese is working hard to negotiate with the State Government and the Chief Medical Officer to figure out how we can safely distribute Holy Communion to the faithful. I had hoped that we would have an answer in time for this Sunday, but up until now, we have not yet been given permission to give Holy Communion. 
So, on Saturday and Sunday, we will have a time of personal adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. 
Saturday: 6pm-9pm
Sunday: 8am-12pm and 3pm-6pm
Booking in:
Because there is a limit on the number of people who can attend, we have set up an online booking system where you can book in for 1/2 hour stints of prayer in the church. 
Anyone who does not have access to the internet, or who is struggling to make an online booking, please contact me directly and I will help find a suitable time. You can email me, or call me at the parish (8352 3561). 
*** If there are several people coming with you to the church, please repeat the booking process for each person. (for example, if you are coming with your spouse, make the booking twice - one time for each person attending)
What to do when you arrive?
You will be invited to:
  1. Write down your name, contact number and the time you attended church. This information will be used for contact tracing should a case of coronavirus be diagnosed among parishioners.
  2. Sanitise your hands at entry.
  3. Observe the social distancing rules in the church.

I will make prayer materials available to you including the readings of the Sunday, as well as reading material and prayer books. I’ll send out more info about how to pray a ‘holy hour’ or 'holy half-hour'.

Feast Days

May 21st - The Ascension of Jesus
May 24th - Our Lady Help of Christians
May 31st - Pentecost

Rita Campbell