School News

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Visible Learning

The staff spent time earlier in the term reconnecting with our Visible Learning journey, which was somewhat disrupted by COVID-19!
Our Learning Intentions for the meeting were:
  • Reconnect with the 4 strands of Visible Learning
  • Reconnect with the 10 Mind-frames for Teachers
  • Reflect on how we develop visible learners
  • To share a Learning Intention and Success Criteria that we had used with your students.
The 4 strands of Visible Learning are:

Visible Learners

  • When students are in tune with their own learning, they can articulate where they are going, how they will get there and what they will learn next. 

Know thy Impact

  • The primary role of an educator is to evaluate the impact on learning and use evidence to inform decisions that will advance learning. 

Inspired Teaching and Learning

  • Inspired teachers are skilled in evaluating students’ understanding and applying interventions to move students toward success criteria. 


  • Feedback reduces the gap between where students are in their learning journey and where they need to be. 
Over the last 18 months the staff have worked hard to develop and employ these strands of Visible Learning in all English and Maths lessons and are now incorporating them into other learning areas.
This year our focus is on feedback.  We are using a variety of feedback strategies and engaging students in discussions around the fact that feedback allows them to answer the three Visible Learning questions.  Where am I at?  Where am I going?  How am I going to get there?
Last week the staff were involved in a Professional Learning Community meeting, in which they assessed the writing outcomes for the students in their class.  This is a process known as 'levelling'.  Through this process the teacher looks closely at an individual student's writing to assess what the student is currently achieving in a specific genre of writing such as a narrative, recount or persuasive text. Once the teacher has assessed the appropriate level they are able to plan the next learning goal for their students.
Sarah Byrne
Leader of Professional Practice