School News

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Religious Identity & Mission


Stewardship Reflection 

“…whoever does not take up his cross and follow after me is not worthy of me.”  MATTHEW 10:38 Pope Benedict XVI said “The world offers you comfort.  But you were not made for comfort, you were made for greatness”.  “Comfort” puts me first.  Picking up your cross and following Jesus puts God and others first.  Why settle for comfort when you can achieve greatness! Pick up your cross, ask Jesus for guidance when using your gifts and live the life God intended for you! We pray that we use our gifts in the way that God intended.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Sunday - July 5th

Tenison Woods Catholic School acknowledges the Kaurna people, the Traditional Custodians who have walked upon and cared for this land for thousands of years. We acknowledge the continued deep spiritual attachment and relationship of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples to this Country and commit ourselves to the ongoing journey of Reconciliation.

Parish News

The good news is that the restrictions have changed and so the limit will be lifted from 75 people in the church to 1 person per 2 square metres. Our capacity restrictions go to 200 in St John Bosco and 180 in St Aloysius. You will no longer need to book in for Sunday Mass. The restriction of sitting in alternating pews will be removed. But while it is not a requirement, please practice sensible social distancing between households. 

Please continue to use hand sanitiser at the doors and to record your contact details on the sign-up sheet (in case it is needed for contact tracing) There continues to be no Holy Water, Offertory Procession, no Sign of Peace and no passing of collection baskets (Donation containers for the 1st and 2nd Collection are near the sanctuary of the church).  Communion will still be administered by the priest only and we have been asked by the Bishop to distribute Communion in the hand. Church bulletins and other newsletters or handouts should be single-use only. If you have used it, take it with you. (For daily Mass, please keep your own sheet of antiphons and responses and bring it for each Mass) 

Archbishop O’Regan has confirmed that the Sunday obligation is still dispensed so please stay home if you are not feeling well  It’s wonderful that we can return to a more normal pattern of life, but let’s remain responsible and vigilant so that we don’t suffer a setback like Victoria.  

Sacramental Program

Dear Families,

We understand that many of you have questions about when the Sacramental Programme will resume and we wish that we were able to give you a definite answer.  Confirmation is a Sacrament administered by the Archbishop and for this reason Fr Peter is unable to administer Confirmation without permission from the Archbishop.  

Conversations are currently underway within the Archdiocese of Adelaide and we are unable to move forward until we have clear directives. You will be contacted as soon as we know the outcome - hopefully in the very near future. 

Please know that your children and families remain in our prayers and that you have not been forgotten.

Green Team

PHEW! The team worked hard last week preparing the garden beds for Winter planting.  Every member got their hands dirty removing weeds and old plants, turning over the soil and general cleanup around the site.
Their enthusiasm is contagious as is their interest in the care of our grounds.  Watch this space for new adventures and ideas about home Vegetable Gardens and recipes.

Rita Campbell