School News


R/1GOLD Class News


It is hard to believe we have reached the end of Term 2 already. In R/1 Gold this term, we have been busy as beavers. 

Some of the learning we have engaged in has been:

  • Heating and Cooling (Science)
  • Procedures, Recounts and Narratives (Literacy)
  • Length/Mass and Volume/Capacity (Mathematics)
  • 2D and 3D Shapes (Mathematics)
  • Our World (HASS)
  • Tiny Towns (Design & Tech)

Students thoroughly enjoyed their learning of 2D and 3D shapes as they made their ‘Tiny Town’ in Design & Technologies. This unit teamed up perfectly with our learning in HASS and therefore we brainstormed different shops and buildings we see in our suburb of Richmond which we could put in our ‘Tiny Town’. As a class, we shared our pre-existing knowledge of shape and made 3D shape nets to use as buildings in our ‘Tiny Town’. Whilst many students experienced what it was like to be in the Learning Pit during this activity, they used the strategies needed to help them get out of the pit by asking questions and seeking peer support. Students should feel very proud of their individual efforts in this learning experience.

In HASS, we have reflected on our individual cultural heritage. As a school community, we are characterised by diversity and difference and this is widely celebrated in our class. This learning experience has enabled students to reflect on where their families originate from and we have made connections with one another based on common countries. We have mapped these countries on our class map, and as well, have learnt that some of our peers can speak different languages other than English.

During these strange times, we have hosted our class Liturgy and Year 1 Assembly via live stream to other classes. This is a new way of doing things at school and students are to be commended on their active participation in this.

Next term, our class will grow as our new Receptions will join us as part of the mid-year intake. We welcome them to Tenison Woods Catholic School. These new students have attended two transition visits in our learning neighbourhood. Our current Reception and Year 1 students have demonstrated the Character Strength of Leadership as they supported our new students in getting a feel of what ‘big school’ is like.

R/1GOLD Class Teacher
Nicole Puopolo