School News

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Visible Learning


All of our classes across the school provide Learning Intentions and Success Criteria for all Literacy and Maths learning activities and are now developing them for a variety of additional curriculum areas.

As a staff we are now embarking on providing feedback for our students and receiving feedback from them.  This can be done in a variety of ways.  
A simple question such as "Have I explained that clearly?" Can be asked of students at the end of a lesson or explanation.  Younger students can give a thumbs up for 'I have it', a sideways thumb for 'I'm not sure' and a thumbs down for 'I need help'.
Older students can use the Feedback 5 Strategy. This strategy is used by teachers to find  out from their students what they have taught and how well they have understood it.

Hand visual Level of Understanding
 5 fingers Totally got it
 4 fingers Got most of it
3 fingers Got 50% of it
2 fingers You need to go over it again
1 finger  You have lost me

'Bump It Up' walls and displays can be used for students to self assess their own work and to see how they can improve their learning.  The walls can be examples of different levels of work and exemplars of what a quality piece of work looks like.

The students of Year 5/6 White have been giving feedback to and receiving feedback from their teacher Heather Docherty all year.  Here are some of the students thoughts about feedback.

"What feedback means to me, is it can help with bumping up my work and see where I went wrong in places of my work and if there are parts that are good and parts I can improve on the get a better grade to improve it."

"Feedback for me, is very, VERY helpful! Feedback is amazing because you can bump up and improve your work!
Feedback always helps me improve and grow from mistakes; I also appreciate that people take the time and effort to help me improve.
This can also improve my work and grades, which is very helpful!
So overall, I LOVE feedback; and feedback is very useful!"

"For me, feedback from others means being able to go back on work that I’ve done and make it better. When I receive feedback, I use it to make my work better to get a higher grade. Feedback is extremely helpful when doing an important assessment, like narratives, persuasive texts, poems and presentations."

"Feedback is probably the most important part of doing work. Whether it for an assessment, poems, narratives even presentations. Feedback is really helpful, because it’s like a second chance in a way. If you get feedback from someone, they're advising you on what you should do next. Feedback can help you improve your work, and make you get the best grade, and help you do the best you can in every area. Feedback is very helpful, whether if 'judgmental' or 'kind'. Feedback is feedback, and is super helpful."

Sarah Byrne
Leader of Professional Practice