School News

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Italian News


It has been an exciting and interesting term and our learning continues to take us to many places. The students are continuing to find new expressions to express their feelings, among them: stanco(a), felice, triste, bene, male, ansioso(a), eccitato(a), calmo(a), etc.

Rec/Yr1 students have been learning about La Famiglia (The Family). The students are learning how to say the names of various family members in Italian: il padre/il papà, la madre/la mamma, la sorella, il fratello, la nonna, il nonno etc. 

The Yr2 class has been learning about Gli Animali Australiani (Australian Animals) and the vocabulary associated with the topic, l’orintorinco, il canguro, il koala, il dingo, l’emu, etc. We have been writing informative sentences about the animals: Il canguro ha il pelo rosso/arancione, l’orintorinco ha il pelo grigio scuro, etc. The students are working hard at their pronunciation and they are sounding more like Italian children as our lessons progress!

The Yr3/4 students have been learning about La Mia Scuola, with a particular emphasis on the vocabulary associated with objects found in a classroom as well as those found in a student’s pencil case: l’astuccio, la penna, il quaderno, il libro, la riga, etc. Students are also consolidating their understanding of masculine and feminine nouns and the definite/indefinite article associated with the noun.  

The Yr5/6 class has been learning about La Mia Casa and the vocabulary associated with My House. The students have been learning about the many adjectives that can be used to describe a certain stanza and the objects contained therein. They have also been consolidating their knowledge of i colori and i numeri to assist them when describing rooms/objects.

It is wonderful to note how the students have grown in confidence over the past term and I continue to look forward to the term ahead!

A presto, Lucia Ciocca