School News

Woods Week 9 - 13 Nov 2020.png

Religious Identity & Mission


Stewardship Reflection

“You shall love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your mind.” – MATTHEW 22:37 
Do you put other “gods” before God? Is your love of money, power, status, comfort or some personal possession greater than your love for God? Do you really recognise that everything you have and that everything you are is a gift from God? The good news – it’s not too late to put God first in all things in your life. We pray that we recognize everything we have and everything we are is a gift from God.

Sacrament of Confirmation and First Eucharist

We pray for the following children who have been meeting with Fr Peter and preparing for the sacraments over the past three weeks.

                                                    Gabriela                      Abby 
                                                    Marissa                       Evelyn 
                                                    Noah                           Lucette
                                                    Matilda M                   Anna     

May the Holy Spirit be alive in their lives and guide them to use their gifts to be good friends of Jesus.

May the Holy Spirit guide their sponsors to be role models that continue to keep God close to their hearts.

May the gifts of the Holy Spirit continue to touch us in our lives, in all we say and do.

The celebration of the Sacrament of Confirmation and First Eucharist will be held on Saturday 14th November at St Aloysius Church at 10.30am.

Woods Week

From Nov 9th - 13th , TWCS will celebrate the life and work of our patron - Fr Julian Tenison Woods.
He will always be remembered as an educator, scientist, environmentalist, journalist, musician and founder of the Sisters of St Joseph of the Sacred Heart.  Along with St Mary Mackillop he established a Catholic school in Penola and ministered to the communities of Adelaide, Hobart and Sydney.  Make sure you check our Social Media posts to read all about it.

Remembrance Day - 11th November 2020

Thank you to Year 2 Green who will host the Remembrance Day Liturgy next Wednesday.  TWCS has also ordered a wreath to lay on the memorial at the Hilton RSL.  Together we recognise the many women and men who gave their lives for peace and justice.  We also remember the many animals that served and were injured or killed.  
We pray that all the nations of the world may grow in understanding freedom and democracy and work towards peace in all lands. Lord hear us.

Ode of Remembrance
They shall not grow old as we that are left grow old.
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them
Lest we forget.

Fratelli Tutti

In October we welcomed a new Encyclical letter from Pope Francis.  Entitled Fratelli Tutti, the Encyclical addresses the brotherhood of mankind, and exhorts us to live the life that our Lord intended, embracing all people as our brothers and sisters.  In the document, the Pope calls on the life of St Francis who “wherever he went, he sowed the seeds of peace and walked alongside the poor, the abandoned, the infirm and the outcast, the least of his brothers and sisters.” 

This new Encyclical is really enhancing the message of fraternity that he touches on in Laudato Si’. 

Pointing out that, whilst everything is connected, the healing of the earth relies not just on one, or some of us, but on all of us, acting in co-operation and considering especially those who are disadvantaged in some way. 

The Pope states in his opening remarks: “we need a community that supports and helps us, in which we can help one another to keep looking ahead.  How important it is to dream together.  By ourselves we risk seeing mirages, things that are not there.  Dreams, on the other hand are built together (FT6).  

Let us dream then as a single human family, as fellow travellers sharing the same flesh, as children of the same earth which is our common home, each of us bringing the richness of his or her beliefs and convictions, each of us with his or her own voice, brothers and sisters all.” 

This week let us pray especially for those people affected by the Coronavirus, especially those in areas where medical assistance in not likely to be available.  If possible make a donation to Vinnies, Catholic Charities or a charity of your choice, recognising that we have more in this country than many in our region.  Talk to someone new and be a light in their day. 

World Teachers' Day 

Australia celebrated and thanked the teaching profession on Friday Oct 30th.  Teachers (with support from parents,  carers and ESOs) have ensured education continues across the country this year, despite major challenges. It’s reinforced the significant role teachers play in the lives of children and students, their families and communities.

 A Prayer for Teachers 
Lord, bless the teachers who give their heart to teaching. 
Thank you for the special gift that You have given them and for giving them a spirit of grace and compassion. 
May they have strength and endurance to perform their many tasks, and may they know and feel the deep gratitude of those whom they teach.

Mary MacKillop Museum Gift Shop and Café 

Now stocking Mary MacKillop memorabilia and souvenirs, religious items, gifts for special occasions and milestones (Baptism, First Communion, Confirmation etc.). We also stock a range of cards (anniversary, birthday, sympathy, thank you) and we now have a large selection of inexpensive Christmas gifts and cards - singles and 6-packs – many of which are handcrafted originals. The gift shop is adjacent to the new High Street Café which is open Monday-Friday 7.30am to 2.30pm and Saturday & Sunday 8.30am to 1pm. 

Rita Campbell