School News


Music News


Music Learning 

In R/1 Music, we’ve been extending our use of beat and voices to perform speech rhyme rhythms for ‘5 Little Bells’ to warm up our music making skills for Christmas time. We keep the beat with our bodies when singing to make sure everyone stays in time and can work together. This helps use build our social capacity to relate to others in different ways.

In Year 2 Music, we have explored the instruments of the orchestra. We learnt about the different families of instruments and how they produce sound. We even made our own model orchestras! This term we’re developing our singing voices and ensemble skills to perform ‘The Candy Cane Song’ in 4 separate parts. This helps us to develop our ability to maintain separate roles independently even when many things are going on around us.

In Year 3/4 Music, we’re becoming expert rhythm readers. We sight-read and perform rhythms nearly every lesson at increasing tempos - we love the challenge of playing accurately at fast tempos and reading music symbols, while playing to a beat helps develop our visual tracking for reading text too! Ukulele has been a big focus for us this year as we are extending our skills to perform and improvise melodies to connect our singing to instrument skills.

Year 5/6s have been extending their ukulele skills too, and their reading of pitch on the treble staff. We’re utilising our developing skills with digital tech to also design and perform using keyboard instruments we design ourselves. Through this project we are becoming innovative creators!

Extra-Curricular Music

Want to learn a musical instrument? As the year comes to a close and we begin to look ahead to 2021, you may want to consider the potential for your child to learn an instrument at school. Our professional instrument tutors teach a range of instruments on site in individual or small group lessons. Learning an instrument can have tremendous benefits for your child’s development. Here’s a great video that describes the ways in which music benefits our brains. Instruments currently offered are voice, guitar, keyboard, drums and ukulele. Contact the front office for more information.

Samara Churchett
Music and Performance Arts Teacher