School News


Visible Learning


During the second week of this term the Leadership team met with our Corwin Educator, Lyn Coote.  As a group we  re-visited out original Aspirational Statement and Action Plan.  
We discussed what we had achieved over the past 2 years and what we wanted to aim for in 2021.  The Leadership team will meet with the staff before the end of the year to discuss and create a new Aspirational Statement  and determine our Visible Learning focus for 2021.

There is clear evidence that the pedagogy of Visible Learning is at work in all our classrooms.  Many of the students can identify the intention behind their learning and what they need to do to be successful.  The culture of feedback is growing as many students are able to ask and give feedback to their teachers and peers.

On Monday 16 and 17 November I attended the national Corwin Visible Learning Conference from the comfort of my home study.  The Keynote addresses were streamed live and we used Zoom for workshops where I had the opportunity to connect with educators from across the country.

One interesting piece of research that has come out of the remote learning in Victoria is that student learning was not adversely impacted.  In most cases students achieved as well or higher when learning from home.  This is good information for us in South Australia as we move to remote learning for the early part of next week.

Sarah Byrne
Leader of Professional Practice