School News

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Message from the Principal


Dear Families, 


We are certainly in an interesting world at the moment where we need to be always be on guard and ready to act quickly due to the global pandemic. As we have seen around the country, a 'lockdown' might only be hours away at any particular time. While we have been rather fortunate in South Australia we must continue to follow the guidelines and recommendations of our Senior Medical Officer, Nicola Spurrier. This means ensuring that we follow good hygiene practices, we scan the COVID-19 QR code each time we enter a particular location and we take the opportunity to be vaccinated at the earliest opportunity. I encourage you to remain vigilant in reminding and helping your children to stay safe. 


There are a couple of important sources for information about COVID-19 updates for our CESA schools: 




The rate of change in the world today is simply remarkable and none more than the online world. I consider this to be one of the few areas where our children, in a short space of time, know more than their parents. This should be a red flag to each one of us and one which we cannot ignore. We need to lift our game and stay one step ahead of our kids, or we are placing them at real risk. 


Parenting in a Digital Age
Last night we had the great opportunity to listen to Sonya Ryan from the Carly Ryan Foundation who has first hand
 experience of the dangers of the online world. I thank those parents who were able to join us for the session. From this tragic story Sonya has used her gifts to fight for change, at the highest levels, to ensure your children are safe when on line. Sonya spoke with a great deal of passion and emphasized the important role that parents must play when their children are on their devices. She gave lots of simple strategies that you can do to make a difference, such as turning off location services. She also shared a family contract that families should consider.  I urge you to check out the Carly Ryan Foundation web site for their fact sheets. I strongly recommend you check out each of the following links:





Segment of Sonya on "The Project" earlier this week. 


During the day we also had the Carly Ryan Foundation present a workshop for our Year 4 to Year 6 students. Their eyes were certainly opened to the many dangers in the online world.


Semester Reports

This week our School Reports went home to families. You may have noticed a slight change in our reports this Semester. Previously we had a list of "Work Habits" located on the reports between the various curriculum or subject areas and the general comments. We have replaced these with the Key Capabilities Continua Catholic Education SA have created as a part of the 'Living, Learning, Leading Framework' which our Catholic schools now work within. This change further aligns our reports with system wide practices and expectations. You can find information about the key competencies here 



New Principal

On Thursday the advertisement for a new Principal of Tenison Woods Catholic Primary School was placed on the CESA website. The process for appointing a new Principal will take almost all of Term 3 with an announcement likely before the next school holidays.  


Term 3

Please remember that the first day back next term is a Pupil Free Day as the staff continue with their professional development in the area of Visible Learning with Lyn Coote from Corwin and the staff from St Joseph's School at Kingswood. Children will return to school on Tuesday 20 July. The very next day, Wednesday 21 July, school photos will be taken. Please ensure you have returned your order form to the classroom teachers. A reminder that students must be in their full and correct school uniform, with correct shoes and hair tied back appropriately as necessary.


Reception Transition

Yesterday we celebrated our 'Little Wonders' with a special liturgy. These new Receptions will start 'big school' officially on day one of next term. They look fantastic and all grown up in their new uniforms. Their excitement, enthusiasm and big, bright eyes were wonderful to see. We look forward to them joining us after the school holidays. 



As we come to the end of Term 2 we farewell Caden from Year 3, Isabella from Year 2 and Ms Lucia Ciocca, our Year 2 and Italian Teacher. We wish Caden and Isabella all the best as they move to new schools. May their time continue to be full of learning, friendships and fun. Thank you and your families for the contribution you have made to Tenison Woods Catholic Primary School. 


We thank Lucia for the contribution she has made to our school community and to Catholic Education SA for so many years. She has touched the lives of many students and staff, evident by the number of flowers, presents and comments that have come through the front office today! Lucia's love, pastoral care and general concern for her students has made her a valuable member of our community. Over the past year I have met a number of former students of TWCS and each one of them shared how much Miss Ciocca meant to them when they were in her class. Lucia will be greatly missed and we hope the next part of her journey is full of new friends and new experiences. 


We ask God to bless Lucia, Caden and Isabella at this special time of change in their lives. We hope each of you keep many fond memories of your time at TWCS and offer you our prayers and best wishes for the future. 


I wish each member of our community a safe and happy holiday. I look forward to working with each of you in Term 3. 


Kind regards 


Peter Mercer 
