School News

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Leader of Learning


Over the last two weeks the students in Years 1 - 6 have undertaken online Program Achievement Tests (PAT) in both Reading Comprehension and Maths. The Reception and Year 1 students have also been involved in a variety of Phonological Screening tests to assess their phonemic awareness.  

This testing is one platform educators use to collect data on what their students know and what they need to plan for the students to learn next. Collating this data along with examples of students work allows educators to identify with pinpoint accuracy what each student knows and what they need to learn next to progress to meet their full learning potential. 

This allows educators to answer the three Visible Learning questions: 

What are my students doing? 

Where are my students going? 

How am I going to get them there? 


In the second week of this term, I led the staff in unpacking the new 'Learning English: Achievement and Proficiency' (LEAP) standards, which are used to ensure that our students who speak English as an Additional Language or Dialect (EALD) are able to successfully access the curriculum at their year level standard. The educators assessed the student's writing against the LEAP standards and set learning goals for individual learners to ensure on going achievement and progression in writing. 


Sarah Byrne 

Leader of Learning