School News

Peter the Gate Keeper.jpg

Message from the Principal


Dear Families, 


The situation in Afghanistan is simply tragic and worsening each day. It is certainly difficult for us to fully comprehend the despair and challenges the people face on a daily, if not hourly, basis. As a staff we had gathered on Wednesday morning with one of our teachers, Sarah Byrne, leading us with a reflection about those Afghani people arriving in Adelaide at the moment. When she returned to class, Amelie aged 7, said that we should make 'welcome cards' for all those people arriving. So the children spent the morning doing some very different and very real life learning. Sarah contacted Ali Clarke on ABC radio and then, on Thursday morning of this week, she was interviewed live on radio. I am sure many of you heard it. If not you can access the audio recording here. 

Sometimes we learn so much from children. Their sheer innocence, compassion and belief that we can actually do something to reach out to others is heart-warming. As adults we can tend to be too busy, consider things to be too hard or just want someone else to do it. As the leader of a Josephite school, I am so proud of all of our students but especially Year 1/2Red over this particular issue. Mary MacKillop said "Never see a need without doing something about it" and Amelie and her classmates have taken this on board. Congratulations and thank you to Sarah and her class … you are all amazing! 


This has been such a busy week. Besides our 'media stars' it has been Book Week. Children have been able to purchase books and other items and I thank parents and teachers for encouraging children to read on a regular basis. Thank you to Leticia Crotty for her organisation and to our staff and students for managing the book sales.  


Thank you to our Parents and Friends for a big week. They have had the wine drive, did the Bunnings BBQ (raised nearly $1500) and provided the Baker's Delight pizza, bun and juice lunch on Wednesday.  Thank you to everyone involved, especially those who gave time on the BBQ: Kirsty & Dan Miller, Jess & Stu Rainsford, Tenille White, Rebecca Hein, Mel Bond, Michelle Mellar, Ryan McBride, Fiona Cossey, Delmy Ramirez, Stella Charalambous, Jane O'Donohugh, Chris & Stella Chubb, Vinny Maresca, Gen Scatena, Nicola Manos and Kim Murphy. 


We also had the 'NED' Show (via a live stream). NED stands for "Never give up", "Encourage others", "Do your best". The presentation was about having a positive mindset. The presenter, Chad, told a story about NED, who was not very confident and thought he could not do very much. Throughout the story, NED grew in confidence and realised that, with time, he could do lots of things. He understood that there are some things that he just can't do YET, but one day he will be able to do them. As a part of the show, Chad made use of yoyos, doing lots of tricks and some other 'magic'. In order to run the show and affirm this important message, we agreed to make available yoyos for sale. You would have received information about them over the last week. There is no expectation that you purchase a yoyo for your child though. We have made a couple of spaces available in the yard that are NED Zones (where yoyos can be used safely). Yoyos will be available before and after school from the front office over the next week. 


Our School Concert is on 16 September at the Christian Family Centre on Frederick Road at Seaton. The children have been preparing during their Music lessons and are starting to get excited. Tickets are still only available at this time to Parents and Siblings until we are clearer about any COVID restrictions that might be in place. We hope that we can accommodate grandparents and others for the concert, but need to wait for further information. It appears that all attendees will have to abide by certain restrictions, such as wearing masks. Seating will be on a first come basis and families will not be allocated set seats. 


Teachers are available for Parent Teacher Conversations from Monday to Wednesday of Week 10. Due to COVID these will be via telephone only and bookings will be via the School Interviews web site, using the booking code: 4sgkv. 

Please note that these conversations are for 10 minutes only and are optional. We ask that when booking, you use the phone number that you would like the teacher(s) to call you on. 


Over the past few weeks there seems to have been an increase in people not following the rules in the Car Park, for Kiss and Drop and for Pick Up. The School Board have asked me to remind our community about the importance of following the rules to ensure that our children (and families) are safe. The simple rule is that there is a 2 minute time limit in the drive through. If you wish to have more time, or would like to walk your child to or from the car, then you must find a park, either in the car park or in the surrounding streets. If you have been waiting for 2 minutes and your child has not arrived then you are asked to drive out of the gate, turn left, go around the block and try again. Waiting for longer just causes congestion for everyone, so please do the right thing. 


Next Tuesday we have a rail safety session for our Year 3 to Year 6 children. Those same children also go to the Touch Football Carnival next Friday. Also on Friday our Year 1/2s are going to the Art Gallery and R/1 Blue will visit St Mary's College to learn about being environmentally green! Should be a quiet day in the office! 


September 1 is National Wattle Day and it comes with good timing. We have had some Wattle Seeds on the International Space Station for the past 6 months and they should arrive from Space any day now for us to plant somewhere in our school! The Wattle is our national floral emblem and is a symbol that comes directly from our land and represents all Australians. I encourage you to visit the Wattle Day web site. 


Thank you to our wonderful children and staff who didn't dress up today … they just came in their PJs! 


Remember that Day 1 Term 4 (Monday 11 October) is a Pupil Free Day for a Staff Reflection Day. 


Happy Father's Day for all the Dads next Sunday. I hope it is a special day for you and your family. Thank you to our Parents and Friends for organising our annual Father's Day Stall. 


Kind regards 

Peter Mercer 
