School News


Reception Orange


Our new Reception students had their 1st day at school and then lockdown hit us...what a start to their school life!

Since lockdown, the children have employed bravery, entering into school each day without their loved ones, and independently organising themselves for the day’s learning ahead. We have been learning about each other and connecting during our daily play-based activities. Each student prepared and presented to the class a bag titled, ‘Marvelous Me’, sharing 4 items describing who they are. This coincided with a ‘name’ inquiry, investigating our names and those of others. 

The children have been participating in phonemic awareness activities with a focus on words which rhyme. Whilst learning the nursery rhymes ‘Incy Wincy Spider’ and ‘Little Miss Muffet’, the children became curious about spiders, which has evolved into a child led inquiry with the questions like, “Do all spiders make webs?” “How do they make webs?” and “Why don’t spiders get stuck in their webs?”

Take a look at the photo gallery below of Reception Orange engaging with learning and each other.

Kelly Stevens

Reception Orange Teacher